Sunday, March 15, 2015

How will you find your place in the Universe?

Until we realize we are not separate from everything in the universe, we will continue to believe that we are alienated from nature. Edgar Mitchell, one of the few human beings to have walked on the moon's surface, describes his experience of viewing the earth from space in these words, " Gradually I was flooded with the ecstatic awareness that I was part of what I was observing. Every molecule in my body was birthed in a star hanging in space. I became aware that everything that exists is part of one intricately interconnected whole. "
Photo by NASA                                                                         
Indigenous people all over the world have long sought and found their place in the universe. The search for this understanding of how we are connected to the Source of Life is far under -estimated in modern times.

I spent many years searching for my own understanding of my place in the Universe.  One beautiful spring day in Kansas, I found myself sitting upon the earth watching the Thunder Beings forming over the ridge. As I continued to observe the gathering Cloud People, I had the sense that I was looking down upon myself from above.

In that moment of time, all things stopped.  It became clear to me that I was not separate from the creation, but I was connected with all of the creation. To truly understand myself, I knew I needed to understand my place in the Universe.

Feeling our connection, knowing who we are, helps us to find our purpose and live in harmony with all of our Relations.

We weave our personal vision together to form a common vision of good for ourselves and for the planet. Joining with all our relations, we can learn to walk peacefully upon Mother Earth, knowing that she provides for all living things. We are all part of the Earth.

Love, Gene and Joyce


  1. This is beautifully written...and I thank you for brightening my day even more!
