Walking in Good
It is time that all people of good heart work together to build a world that works for everyone. No matter your race, creed or religious, political, or sexual preference, we must start to work together. When this happens the world looks to me to be more inclusive and compassionate in all aspects of life. It is time to find the common thread that holds us together to do the right things for ourselves, our families, our communities, and our world. We are all members of the worldwide human race, we are all part of the earth, each one a strand in the web of life. Our actions have a dramatic impact on our peace as individuals and world peace. We are responsible for the air, water, soil, and every other living organism on earth. The decisions we make on a daily basis determine if there will be peace, harmony and justice for all living beings or if we continue down a path which leads to war, injustice and destruction of the earth.
Questions we need to consider:
- What are the common threads that hold all life together on our planet?
- Is All Life Sacred?
- Do we all have basic needs for peace, food, shelter, clothing, love, opportunity to grow, and education?
- A sense of belonging, purpose in life?
- The global economic system is changing our world. Is there a place for everyone to thrive in this new system?
- Should it be fair for everyone in the world, or just the rich?
- Who is it creating winners and losers in this system?
- Is this outdated system effective for the modern era?
- What is a world system we think would be fair and work for the good of all?
- Are spiritual and Humanistic principles guiding economic policy?
- Can and will we describe a principle of fairness and equality for the rights of all living things?
- Do Bears and Eagles and other animals have as much right to clean air, water, and food as human beings do?
- Can the people of the world and the world itself afford to leave these answers in the hands of a few political and spiritual leaders, or will it take more minds and hearts than that?
In these polarizing times, we are being led by the few who do not have the same goals as the many, and do not keep the good of the people they represent in mind. Far too many political and religious leaders advocate for separation rather than inclusion. We already observe the suffering happening in the world due to economic injustice and wars. People are losing their homes and communities related to climate change. The economically challenged people all over the world will suffer the most for a world they did not create.
We human beings, since we are the ones who are causing most of the damage to the earth, must consider our responsibility to all other living things upon the earth. Please remember that war is one of the leading contributors to pollution and environmental damage in our world, even to the point of a potential future nuclear Holocaust.
What are the solutions to this? It is now time for a new awakening that we all have the same right to become fully who we are in this new world if we want life to continue for all. Examples of people working for good together (Gov, NGO’s & other groups):
Examples of leaders who have made a difference in the world and how they did it.
http://www.biographyonline.net/people/people-who-changed-world.html http://www.emlii.com/9146884/31-Most-Inspiring-Women-Who-Changed-The-World http://twistedsifter.com/2013/12/10-people-who-made-the-world-a-better-place/
Future of economics, what are the possibilities? Below are a few examples;
We are at a Moment in Time, the question is what will we do with it?
It seems we are at a pivotal point in time once again with choices to be made that will affect the future for our children and the planet, perhaps even the survival of all things! We can all see even from our different perspective the importance of the upcoming presidential election. I suggest it may be far more important than we see on the surface.
Keeping in mind the global economy no matter what you think, it's here, good or bad. Science and robotics are making the future new and exciting in many ways. But they are also producing concerns about the future of our jobs. If we need fewer humans for jobs what will we do? Can the earth sustain the increasing destruction of the planet for raw materials for profit? Is it time for a change in the world economy? Does everyone need to be a billionaire in the new economy? Is the upcoming political change a signal for an evolutionary change in humankind's thinking? I believe we are certainly reaching this crossroads.
Here are just a few of our future opportunities that I see at our fingertips, if we have the courage to grasp them at this "moment in time." This future will hold as important the development of the human mind and spirit. Increasing our knowledge through education of science & mathematics, spiritual awareness, and developing as more fully realized human beings, and opening our minds and our hearts to a more compassionate future that makes the world a better place for everyone. Enriching the quality of life for all while at the same time solving our many environmental challenges to live and thrive on this planet. Basic needs such as peace, clean water, air and land for the production of safe and abundant crops for all is of course a necessity. Business models will also change with the times. They will no longer be based on profit and greed, they will simply provide the basic economy that is necessary to make the world function for this new paradigm.
It is now time for all people of good to come together to work together to make the world a better place for all. To put your prayers, thoughts and ideas into action please join us April 27, 2016 at the World Peace Dance for the Peoples of the 4 Directions at 7 P.M. Center for Spiritual Living Capistrano Valley 1201 Puerta Del Sol San Clemente 92673.
Led by Gene Stone and Beth Boardman featuring the Native Hummingbird Women's Drum. We will all join in a Prayer Dance for Peace where we will sing, dance and say prayers for peace for the People of the Four Directions Upon Our Earth. You need only come with a good heart to join this dance. Come and add your Prayers for Peace. Everyone is welcome!